Norway Over - Almost

Ibm Travel Websphere

So we’ve just finished our last day with the customer here in Norway, and presented on the work we’ve been doing for them. All in all, it’s been a pretty enjoyable (if stressful) week, and I’m looking forward to doing more direct customer work in the near future.

Due to a mix-up with dates, my flight doesn’t leave until Saturday evening, so I’ve got Friday and Saturday in Oslo to find out a bit more about the city, have a good time and take some pictures. I’ve just checked into the third hotel so far this week, so time to relax for a bit before heading out to find food!

Update: If a taxi driver says he doesn’t know the way to a major hotel, but he ‘can stop at a gas station and ask’, should you worry? In this case, it worked out fine, but I was nervous…