
Getting the Logitech Presenter R800 Working with QuickTime Player on the Mac

Based on my previous post about getting my Logitech R800 presenting tool working with Keynote using Karabiner, I’ve now spent some time extending my private.xml to add support for QuickTime Player also. It now supports (inside QuickTime Player): Left: Rewind the video at various speeds. Right: Fast-forward the video at various speeds. “Start presentation”: Go into fullscreen. “Blank presentation”: Pause/play presentation. This is very useful when giving a “live” demo from a QuickTime video, as you can pause/play/rewind etc.

Logitech Presenter R800 with USB HID in Windows XP SP3

I recently acquired a Logitech Presenter R800. It’s a beautiful device - not particularly cheap, but very slick and easy-to-use. Unfortunately, Windows XP (Service Pack 3) on my system refused to recognise it - the device was listed as USB Receiver in Windows Device Manager, but Windows kept claiming it couldn’t find the driver. It is presented to the system as a standard USB HID device, so there is no Logitech-specific driver: it uses the standard Windows HID Driver.